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. 2015 Sep 16;61(Suppl 3):S164–S172. doi: 10.1093/cid/civ613

Table 1.

Repositories From Existing Studies Evaluating Tuberculosis Biomarkers

Reference Sample Biorepository UCT Pediatric TB Kenya Pediatric TB Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health TB Grand Challenges in Global Health GC6-74 Biomarkers for TB Aeras TB European Union Action for Diseases of Poverty, Diagnostics Consortium–TB Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics–TBa Consortium for Tuberculosis Biomarkers–TB
Enrollment type(s) P P P A, P A, P A, P A A
HIV status, Positive or negative Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both
Clinical categories Suspected TB cases (n = 1800) Children <5 y of age with (1) Suspected TB (n = 300), further categorized as definite, probable, possible, unlikely, no TB; (2) asymptomatic children (n = 100) (1) Children with severe and very severe pneumonia and (2) healthy community controls (1) Newly diagnosed adult pulmonary TB cases, (2) HHCs: adults with TB disease and healthy controls, (3) adolescents (non-HHC) including progressors with TB disease Vaccine trial cohorts (1) Suspected TB cases and (2) TB contacts further categorized as TB disease (culture positive, probable or possible TB), non-TB diseases, or healthy LTBI Suspected pulmonary TB further categorized as (1) TB disease including (i) Smear and culture positive; (ii) smear negative, culture positive; (2) clinical diagnosis only, with response to treatment (chest radiograph), (3) not TB Newly diagnosed pulmonary TB. Culture-confirmed TB disease specimens from clinical trials: TB Alliance, CDC TB Trials Consortium, and AIDS Clinical Trials Group
Countries included South Africa Kenya South Africa, Zambia, Kenya, The Gambia, Mali, Thailand, Bangladesh South Africa, The Gambia, Malawi, Uganda, Ethiopia Sub-Saharan Africa South Africa, Kenya, Malawi Bangladesh, Brazil, Moldova Peru, South Africa, Vietnam, Zimbabwe. TDR/WHO TB Specimen Bank samples: Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Kenya, Peru, South Africa, Spain, The Gambia, Uganda, Vietnam To date: South Africa, Kenya, Uganda
Subject follow-up duration 6 mo if TB treatment given, 2 mo if TB treatment not given 6 mo or until TB treatment completion. Evaluations at 0, 0.5, 2, 6 mo) Up to 30 d after hospital discharge 24 mo (HHC evaluations at 0, 6, 18 mo, index case evaluations at 0, 12 mo). Up to 24 mo 6 mo 2–3 mo Samples collection at treatment initiation, weeks 2, 4, and 8, months 4, 6, and 12. Also at time of relapse or withdrawal from study
Type of samples Whole-blood (EDTA tube), whole blood (PAXgene tube), serum, induced sputum, NP swab, urine, stool, selected extrapulmonary specimens Whole blood (PAXgene tube), plasma, serum, QFT supernatant, nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal (NP/OP) swabs, gastric aspirate, urine, stool Whole blood, nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal (NP/OP) swabs, induced sputum or gastric aspirate (if no sputum; cases only), pleural fluid (cases only), lung aspirates (cases only), urine, postmortem lung needle biopsy Serum, plasma, PBMC, RNA, DNA. Most samples stored at field sites, selected samples at UCT central repository PBMC, whole blood, plasma, serum, urine Whole blood (PAXgene tubes), plasma, throat swabs Plasma (EDTA), plasma (P800), serum, sputum, saliva, urine Whole blood (PAXgene tube),whole blood (EDTA), whole blood in QFT tubes (nil, mitogen, TB antigen), sputum, spot urine
Diagnostic gold standard MGIT culture of 2× induced sputum or Xpert of respiratory specimen. MGIT culture and Xpert MTB/RIF (suspected TB cohort, per participant): NP aspirate (2), induced sputum (2), gastric aspirate (2), string test (2), urine (2), stool (2); MGIT culture on blood (1) TB culture TB culture (solid and liquid), concentrated Ziehl-Neelsen microscopy post-NALC-NaOH. TB culture TB culture TB culture (solid or liquid), concentrated Ziehl-Neelsen microscopy post-NALC-NaOH TB culture (solid or liquid)
PI and contact PI's Heather Zar and Mark Nicol ( ( PI Rinn Song (; Ellie Click (; Kevin Cain ( PI Katherine O'Brien ( Contact: David Murdoch ( PI Stefan H. E. Kaufmann Contacts: Gerhard Walzl (, Thomas Scriba (, Katrina Downing ( Contact: Lew Barker ( & Heather Siefers/Aeras; for SATVI Thomas Scriba ( Contact: Mike Levin ( Contact: Eloise Valli ( Contact: Derek Ambrosino (

Blank fields indicate no data available.

Abbreviations: A, adult; HHC, household contact; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; LTBI, latent tuberculosis; MGIT, mycobacteria growth indicator tube; NALC, N-acetyl-L-cysteine; NaOH, sodium hydroxide; NP, nasopharyngeal; OP, oropharyngeal; P, pediatric; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cell; PI, principal investigator; QFT, Quantiferon-TB; SATVI, South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative; TBD, to be determined; TDR/WHO, World Health Organization Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases; UCT, University of Cape Town.

a Also includes the TDR/WHO specimen samples. The WHO Tuberculosis Strain Bank has been transferred to the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium.