Figure 1. Molecular Diversity of Single Cells from Human Cortical Germinal Zone.
(A) Schematic representation of major cell populations of developing cortex. VZ- ventricular zone, SVZ- subventricular zone, IZ- intermediate zone, SP- subplate, CP- cortical plate, MZ- marginal zone. (B) Representation of transcriptional heterogeneity of germinal zone cells profiled by single cell mRNA-Seq. Cells are arranged according to their position determined using t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding. (C) Heatmap showing gene expression levels for 1% of genes most strongly contributing to PC1-4. Select marker genes are highlighted. Groups represent clusters with highest approximately unbiased p-values following multiscale bootstrapping of hierarchical clustering based on expectation-maximization cluster assignments (see also Figure S1). (D) Interpretation of distinct cortical and ventral telencephalic lineages detected among germinal zone cells.