Figure 8. Induced BF inhibition in place of the stop signal reproduced behavioral stopping and reentry behavior in rats naive to SST training.
(a) Schematic of the electrical stimulation experiment, which was the same as the Stop No Reward Task except that the stop signal was replaced by brief BF electrical stimulation. (b) Response of bursting (n=21) and other (n=23) BF neurons to the go sound (left panel) and brief BF electrical stimulation (middle and right panels show different time scales, 11 sessions from 4 rats). BF bursting neurons, but not other neurons, demonstrated near complete inhibition in response to BF electrical stimulation after a brief rebound excitation. (c) An example BF bursting neuron in stimulated trials. The onset of sustained BF inhibition coincides with estimated SSRT. Reentry was observed in trials where rats exited the fixation port right before SSRT, similar to the reentry behavior in the SST (Fig. 6a). (d) Distribution of estimated SSRT from 18/20 sessions (7 rats) showing significant slowing of fixation port exit in response to BF electrical stimulation. (e) The distribution of fixation port exit and reentry events in all reentry trials in the stimulation experiment. Fixation port exit and reentry events were most common just before and after SSRT, respectively.