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. 2015 Sep 16;13(9):5847–5881. doi: 10.3390/md13095847

Table 2.

Ecological specification of the most common diatom taxa, cell morphology, colony lifestyle, habitats. The presence of species in ecological region is variable and dependent on, e.g., the season, nutrient availability, salinity, and conductivity; however, the most frequent occurrence is specified. One group is benthic species including epiphytic (attached to plants), epilithic (attached to rock surfaces), epipelic (on mud), and epipsammic (on sand) species and the second is pelagic diatoms (free living in the water column) [76,77].

Species Morphology Colony-Forming Lifestyle Habitat
Actinella punctata eunotioid yes benthic acidic, humic lakes, and ponds
Actinocyclus normanii centric no planktonic coasts, brackish waters, sediment core
Amphora minutissima asymmetrical biraphid no benthic marine habitats, often epiphytic
Bacillaria paradoxa nitzschioid yes benthic marine, brackish, and freshwaters
Campylodiscus hibernicus surirelloid no benthic epipelon in fresh, brackish, marine waters
Cocconeis pediculus monoraphid no benthic planktonic, epiphytic, epilithic habitats
Cyclotella distinguenda centric no planktonic preferentially alkaline waters
Cymbella amplificata asymmetrical biraphid yes benthic oligotrophic waters
Diatoma vulgaris araphid yes benthic fresh and brackish water
Discostella stelligera centric no planktonic primarily in lakes and large rivers
Distrionella incognita araphid yes benthic alkaline lakes and streams
Epithemia turgida epithemioid no benthic epiphyte on coarse filamentous algae
Eucocconeis alpestris monoraphid no benthic the littoral zone of oligotrophic lakes
Eunotia exigua eunotioid N/A benthic moist soils, wet walls, streams, waterfalls
Fragilaria crotonensis araphid yes planktonic mesotrophic lakes, water column
Gyrosigma acuminatum symmetrical biraphid no benthic primarily an epipelic species
Navicula reinhardtii symmetrical biraphid no benthic fresh water, slightly brackish
Nitzschia regula nitzschioid no benthic cold-water, ponds, and streams
Phaeodactylum tricornutum fusiform, triradiate, oval no planktonic marine coastal waters
Pinnularia rabenhorstii symmetrical biraphid no benthic cold oligotrophic waters in the mountains
Pleurosira laevis centric yes benthic naturally saline or polluted waters
Thalassiosira weissflogii centric N/A planktonic primarily in marine waters