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. 2015 Feb 6;64(4):81–86.


Estimated number and rate of deaths of persons aged ≥13 years with diagnosed HIV infection,* by race/ethnicity and selected characteristics — United States, 2012

Characteristic Black/African American Hispanic/Latino White Total

No.§ Rate per 100,000 pop. Rate per 1,000 PLWH No.§ Rate per 100,000 pop. Rate per 1,000 PLWH No.§ Rate per 100,000 pop. Rate per 1,000 PLWH No.§ Rate per 100,000 pop. Rate per 1,000 PLWH
Age at death (yrs)
 13–24 141 1.8 4.7 33 0.3 3.7 30 0.1 4.1 215 0.4 4.4
 25–34 710 13.0 10.8 205 2.4 6.4 254 1.0 8.2 1,227 2.9 9.0
 35–44 1,324 26.0 14.1 417 5.5 7.9 788 3.2 11.7 2,696 6.7 11.9
 45–54 2,698 50.0 21.0 927 15.7 15.4 2,160 7.2 17.9 6,123 13.8 18.9
  ≥55 3,292 41.8 41.3 1,003 14.8 31.5 2,194 3.5 29.6 6,905 8.4 35.7
Transmission category
 Male-to-male sexual contact 2,257 15.3 940 9.4 3,189 15.1 6,777 14.0
 Injection drug use 1,448 33.1 584 26.1 530 33.8 2,723 32.1
 Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use 456 27.7 215 22.0 530 24.3 1,303 25.3
 Heterosexual contact 1,182 24.6 205 14.8 254 26.7 1,719 23.2
 Other** 40 12.2 18 12.4 57 25.5 124 17.0
Subtotal 5,383 36.4 20.8 1,962 9.7 13.3 4,559 5.5 17.5 12,645 9.9 18.0
 Injection drug use 847 29.2 251 26.3 401 30.8 1,611 29.7
 Heterosexual contact 1,894 17.9 359 12.9 451 17.5 2,832 17.0
 Other** 42 11.6 15 11.7 14 13.3 79 12.6
Subtotal 2,782 16.7 20.1 625 3.2 16.2 866 1.0 21.7 4,521 3.4 19.9
Total 8,165 26.0 20.5 2,586 6.5 13.9 5,426 3.2 18.1 17,166 6.6 18.5

Abbreviations: HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; PLWH = persons living with diagnosed HIV infection.


Data include persons with diagnosed HIV infection regardless of stage of disease at diagnosis. Deaths of persons with a diagnosis of HIV infection might have resulted from any cause.

Includes other races.


Estimates include statistical adjustment that accounted for reporting delays and missing transmission category, but not for incomplete reporting.

Rate per 1,000 population aged ≥13 years living with diagnosed HIV infection (PLWH). Denominator was estimated as (no. PLWH at the end of [year X-1]) + (no. new diagnoses during year X).


Includes hemophilia, blood transfusion, perinatal exposure, and risks factor not reported or not identified.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure