Figure 5.
Regional brain activity associated with decrease in skin conductance level. (Nagai et al., 2004d, permission obtained). (A) Regional brain activity related to task-independent decreases in skin conductance level (SCL). Decreases in SCL were associated with increased activity in VMPFC and OFC. (P < 0.05, corrected). During the EDA biofeedback, activity in VMPFC and OFC is decreased. (B) Regional brain activity associated with decreases in skin conductance level common across all subjects (P < 0.05, corrected). Common brain activity was found in VMPFC and OFC. (C) Plots of individual subjects data showing correlations between skin conductance and ventromedial and orbitofrontal BOLD activity during biofeedback relaxation (green dots) and arousal tasks (red dots). There was a significant negative correlation between adjusted VMPFC and OFC BOLD responses and task-independent SCL activity in the eight subjects.