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. 2015 Sep 28;6:134. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00134

Table 3.

Whole-brain structural and functional neuroimaging results in the whole sample (ALL; n = 37) and in the PTSD group.

Contrast Region BA ALL
MNI K t p MNI K t p
VBM SDS− R anterior cingulate cortex 24/32 14 24 20 1897 4.35 <0.001 12 25 17 2796 5.70 <0.001
R amygdala 23 −3 −33 10140 3.39 0.001 29 0 −26 2527 3.51 0.003
L amygdala −23 0 −35 16363 2.76 0.003
R hippocampus 27 −7 −31 10140 2.81 0.003
L hippocampus −31 −12 −30 16363 2.96 0.003 −35 −13 −30 18728 3.08 0.003
R anterior insula 13 42 17 −26 10140 3.32 0.001 41 11 4 800 4.06 0.001
L anterior insula 13 −42 13 −26 16363 3.56 0.001 −40 12 −23 18728 3.96 0.001
R posterior insula 13 38 −2 −19 10140 3.96 <0.001 38 −1 −21 2527 4.48 <0.001
L posterior insula 13 −36 −6 −19 10140 3.63 0.001 −35 −8 −16 18728 3.66 0.001
R parahippocampal cortex 28/36 20 −7 −41 10140 3.49 0.001
L parahippocampal cortex 28/36 −27 −6 −39 16363 2.94 0.003
R dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 10/46 35 50 3 806 4.19 <0.001
R orbitofrontal cortex 11 20 36 −23 1135 3.84 0.001
L postcentral gyrus 1/2/3 −46 −23 33 1031 4.67 <0.001
L striatum −12 11 −18 1175 3.38 0.001 0 12 −20 1471 4.51 <0.001
SPECT SDS+ L/R dorsal midbrain 2 −24 −18 459 4.39 <0.001 4 −28 −22 319 4.81 <0.001
R precuneus 7 12 −52 32 302 3.37 0.001 10 −54 30 590 3.35 0.003
L precuneus 7 −12 −54 26 302 3.59 0.001 −12 −52 28 590 5.00 <0.001
R posterior insula 13 34 −22 0 562 4.30 <0.001
L posterior insula 13 −42 −30 6 316 3.52 0.002
SPECT SDS− L/R anterior cingulate cortex 24/32 2 42 14 700 3.71 <0.001 042 16 2651 4.90 <0.001
R dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 9 24 46 24 2651 4.69 <0.001
L orbitofrontal cortex 11 −16 48 −18 2651 5.83 <0.001

SDS+/−, positive/negative correlations with the sleep disturbances score; L/R, left/right; BA, Brodmann area; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates (x, y, z); K, cluster size; t, Student’s t-statistic; p, statistical significance at peaks (uncorrected at cluster-level).