Figure 2.
Neural circuitry of high-density OT receptor binding sites. The 3D color model at the top depicts the location of 14 brain areas in the rat reported to have a high density of OT receptor binding (De Kloet et al., 1985; van Leeuwen et al., 1985; Freund-Mercier et al., 1987; Tribollet et al., 1988). These areas have been coalesced into a single volume (yellow) as shown in the lower 3D images for ICV and IP administrations. Areas in red are the localization of the activated voxels comprising the composite average from the rats in each experimental group. Once fully registered and segmented, the statistical responses for each animal are averaged on a voxel-by-voxel bases. Those averaged voxels that are significantly different from baseline for positive BOLD are shown in their appropriate spatial location. Below are tables of these regions of interest for negative and positive BOLD at 10 and 20 min post ICV and IP OT. All areas are ranked in order of their significance. The brain areas highlighted in red and blue show significant changes in volumes of activation.