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. 2013 Nov 29;62(47):967–971.


Number and percentage of adults with very high blood lead levels (BLLs ≥40 μg/dL), by industry subsector, and number and percentage by nonoccupational sources of exposure — Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance (ABLES) Program, United States, 2002–2011

40–59 μg/dL ≥60 μg/dL Total (≥40 μg/dL)

Characteristic No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
Overall 10,049 (100.0) 1,487 (100.0) 11,536 (100.0)
Exposure type
 Occupational 6,330 (63.0) 746 (50.2) 7,076 (61.3)
 Nonoccupational 497 (4.9) 166 (11.2) 663 (5.7)
 Unknown exposure source 3,222 (32.1) 575 (38.7) 3,797 (32.9)
Industry subsector [NAICS codes] 6,330 746 7,076 (100.0)
Manufacturing 3,393 (100.0) 253 (100.0) 3,646 (51.5)
  Battery manufacturing [33591] 1,671 (49.2) 70 (27.7) 1,741
  Nonferrous metal production and processing [3313 and 3314] 577 (17.0) 47 (18.6) 624
  Foundries [3315] 244 (7.2) 28 (11.1) 272
  Fabricated metal product manufacturing [332] 257 (7.6) 31 (12.3) 288
  Other manufacturing industries 644 (19.0) 77 (30.4) 721
Construction 1,575 (100.0) 318 (100.0) 1,893 (26.8)
  Painting and wall covering contractors [23832] 890 (56.5) 185 (58.2) 1,075
  Highway, street, and bridge construction [23731] 262 (16.6) 37 (11.6) 299
  Site preparation contractors [23891] 96 (6.1) 21 (6.6) 117
  Other construction industries 327 (20.8) 75 (23.6) 402
Services (except public safety) 555 (100.0) 87 (100.0) 642 (9.1)
  Remediation services [56291] 186 (33.5) 27 (31.0) 213
  All other amusement and recreation industries [71399] 102 (18.4) 17 (19.5) 119
  Automotive repair and maintenance [8111] 71 (12.8) 9 (10.3) 80
  Other services industries 196 (35.3) 34 (39.1) 230
Mining (except oil and gas extraction) 428 (100.0) 16 (100.0) 444 (6.3)
  Lead ore and zinc ore mining [212231] 418 (97.7) 14 (87.5) 432
  Other mining industries 10 (2.3) 2 (12.5) 12
Other/missing industry data 379 72 451 (6.4)
Nonoccupational exposures 497 (100.0) 166 (100.0) 663 (100.0)
 Shooting firearms (target shooting) 144 (29.0) 17 (10.2) 161 (24.3)
 Remodeling/renovation/painting 89 (17.9) 22 (13.3) 111 (16.7)
 Complementary and alternative medicines (e.g., Ayurvedic medicines) 31 (6.2) 28 (16.9) 59 (8.9)
 Eating food containing lead 39 (7.8) 18 (10.8) 57 (8.6)
 Retained bullets (gunshot wounds) 30 (6.0) 15 (9.0) 45 (6.8)
 Casting (e.g., bullets and fishing weights) 33 (6.6) 6 (3.6) 39 (5.9)
 Pica (i.e., the eating of nonfood items) 16 (3.2) 20 (12.0) 36 (5.4)
 Other or unknown nonoccupational source 115 (23.1) 40 (24.1) 155 (23.4)

Abbreviation: NAICS = North American Industry Classification System.