Figure 1. Tandem Denaturing Affinity Purification (TDAP) of SUMO targets.
(A) Schematics of TDAP. See the main text for details of the method. (B) Spot assay of the indicated strains on YES plates, with or without hydroxyurea (HU). (C) BH-SUMO expressed from endogenous locus in strains with (+) or without (−) pAdh-driven BirA expression. SUMO conjugates were sequentially purified on Ni-NTA and streptavidin beads. Input and eluate after a single step (Ni) or tandem (Ni-Strep) purification were analyzed by Western blotting with a SUMO antibody. The asterisk marks the position of free BH-SUMO. Sypro Ruby staining of the input is shown on the left as a loading control.