Figure 2. Analysis of subtype-specific SAR.
(A) Comparison of human SAR and ferret SAR for ferret respiratory droplet (black squares) and direct contact (red circles). Data points are the mean human SAR by subtype vs the weighted mean ferret SAR by subtype, where weights are determined by the number of ferrets used in each experiment. Lines give the best fit weighted linear regression models with weights given by the number of human SAR estimates. The solid line indicates a significant relationship between ferret respiratory droplet SAR and human SAR described by the given equation (significant terms are bolded; p = 0.003), while the dashed line indicates a non-significant relationship (p = 0.14) for ferret direct contact transmission. (B) The degree of overlap in the distributions of ferret respiratory droplet SAR estimates for each subtype. Dark purple indicates subtypes with complete overlap, while white indicates no overlap.