Figure 4. TORC1-SCH9 signaling from the new vacuole is required for cell-cycle progression.
(A) The vac17Δ tor1Δ double mutant exhibits an accumulation of G1 phase cells. Flow cytometry analysis with PI staining of yeast strains; wild-type, vac17Δ, tor1Δ, and vac17Δ tor1Δ. (B) Quantification of percent cells in G1 and G2 phase. Error bars; SD calculated from four independent experiments. (C) A new vacuole is synthesized in the new daughter cells of the vac17Δ tor1Δ double mutant. Wild-type, vac17Δ, tor1Δ, and vac17Δ tor1Δ cells which express Vph1-GFP from its endogenous locus, were pulse labeled with FM4-64. Arrowheads; new vacuole in daughter cells. (D) The kinase activity of target of rapamycin 1 (Tor1) is required for growth of the vacuole inheritance mutant, vac17Δ. Plasmids were transformed into a vac17Δ tor1Δ mutant containing pRS416 [URA3] TOR1. Plasmids tested were pRS315 [LEU2] (mock), pRS315 HA-TOR1, pRS315 HA-tor1-D2275A, or pRS315 HA-tor1-D2294E. Transformed colonies were cultured in liquid media and serial dilutions spotted onto SC+5-FOA or SC-Leu-Ura plates. Plates were incubated at 24°C for 4 days. (E) TORC1 signals from the new vacuole via Sch9. The phospho-mimetic sch9-2D3E mutant partially rescues the growth defect of the vac17Δ tor1Δ mutant. pRS413 (mock), pRS413 VAC17, pRS413 TOR1, pVT102-H (mock), pVT102-H SCH9, pVT102-H sch9-2D3E, or pVT102-H sch9-5A expressed in vac17Δ tor1Δ with pRS416 TOR1. Transformed colonies were cultured in liquid media and serial dilutions were spotted onto SC-His+5-FOA or SC-His-Ura plates, and incubated at 24°C for 4 days. (F) Sch9 signaling requires a functional vacuole. The phospho-mimetic sch9-2D3E mutant does not rescue the growth defect of the vac17Δ pep12Δ mutant. pRS413 (mock), pRS413 VAC17, pRS413 TOR1, pVT102-H (mock), pVT102-H SCH9, pVT102-H sch9-2D3E, or pVT102-H sch9-5A plasmids were expressed in a vac17Δ pep12Δ strain. Transformed colonies were cultured in liquid media and serial dilutions spotted onto an SC-His plate, and incubated at 24°C for 3 to 4 days.