Fig. 2.
Virome features associated with severe acute malnutrition. (A) The fecal viromes of twin pairs where one member developed SAM have reduced β-diversity compared with concordant healthy pairs. Pairwise Hellinger distances were calculated from the log-transformed viral contig abundance matrix. Comparisons within an individual over time (Self-Self) or between cotwins from the same family (Twin-Twin) are shown. Self-Self_H, healthy cotwin; Self-Self_K, kwashiorkor cotwin; Self-Self_M, marasmus cotwin. Each of the indicated comparisons (self–self, cotwin–cotwin, etc.) was referenced to the corresponding comparisons in concordant healthy pairs. (B) Contigs significantly associated with health status. Random Forests was used to classify samples. Each row represents a discriminatory contig and each column represents a VLP sample from a cotwin sorted by health status. The 16 contigs that best discriminate twin pairs discordant for marasmus and/or kwashiorkor from concordant healthy pairs are shown together with their assigned taxonomy.