Figure 5. GLT1 overexpressing hIPSA transplants reduced lesion size following cervical contusion SCI.
At 4 weeks post-injury, we quantified Cresyl-violet stained transverse sections of the cervical spinal cord for the degree of ipsilesional tissue sparing by calculating the percentage of total ipsilateral hemi-cord area comprised of damaged tissue (A). Lesion area (B) and total lesion volume (C) analysis (combined for both white and gray matter) revealed that GLT1-hIPSA transplants significantly reduced lesion size at multiple locations surrounding the epicenter compared to both human fibroblast and control GFP-hIPSA transplant groups. Results were expressed as means ± SEM. #p<0.05, GLT1-hIPSA group versus GFP-hIPSA group only; *p<0.05, GLT1-hIPSA group versus both control groups. n = 6 per group for lesion area and volume analysis.