Fig. 4.
A, Gene Ontology (GO) terms that are significantly enriched among differentially expressed proteins (DEPs). The number in the bubbles corresponds to the number of proteins present in our DEP data set that are annotated to the respective GO term. Out of 281 DEPs, 158 distinct proteins are represented in the depicted 27 GO terms. B, Bar graph of selective DEPs with log2 ratios that are involved in energy metabolism, lipid metabolism and localization, ROS metabolism and antioxidant activity, and apoptosis and anti-apoptosis. Observations from TMT-MudPIT experimental replicates are color-coded (blue = replicate-01 and red = replicate-02). Note: Unpaired bars represent proteins that are observed in only one of the experimental replicates. C, Subcellular localizations of 107 DEPs. Blue indicates up-regulated and green indicates down-regulated proteins in NPC1I1061T relative to NPC1WT cells.