Fig. 5.
A comprehensive SH2-ITRM interactome generated from bidirectional peptide–protein array screens. A, The specificity profiles of individual SH2 domains for different motifs. The average Z scores of an SH2 domain for ITIM, ITAM or ITSM peptides obtained from bidirectional array screens were used to measure the relative specificity of the SH2 domain. Green bars represent the relative specificity for ITAM, red for ITIM, and yellow for ITSM. A larger relative specificity value corresponds to a greater preference for that ITRM. B, A predicted human ITRM-SH2 domain interactome based on bidirectional array screens. ITIMs are shown in red, ITAMs in green and ITSMs in yellow. The interactome contains 1137 binary interactions mediated by 46 SH2 domains and 173 pY peptides. Known interactions extracted from STRING database (30) are identified by blue lines. Gray lines denote novel candidate interactions. Strength of binding was drawn proportionate to the line thickness. The SAP and SHP-1/2 SH2 domains are identified in cyan squares.