Apigenin determination in Arabidopsis transgenic plants expressing ZmFNSI-1. A, B, D, and E, UV light (A and D) and m/z = 271 ion chromatogram (B and E) profiles of 15-d-old plants: Col-0 (A and B) and tt6 mutants (D and E) and the same plants expressing ZmFNSI-1 (Col-0
ZmFNSI-1 [A and B] and tt6 ZmFNSI-1 [D and E]). C and F, MS/MS fragmentation profiles of the molecular ion m/z = 271 detected in ZmFNSI-1-transformed Arabidopsis plants in Col-0 and tt6 mutant backgrounds. G, Ion chromatogram of the apigenin standard. Its MS/MS fragmentation profile is shown in the inset. mAU, Milliabsorbance units.