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. 2015 Sep 29;14:375. doi: 10.1186/s12936-015-0863-4

Table 3.

The number of Anopheles darlingi collected (April–June 2013), HBR, IR and EIR

Habitat Loc Forest cover level # Coll # Coll (mh) HBR # Infected IR (%) EIR
Pv Pf Pspp
All All All 2067 1406 17.64 9 3 1 0.63 0.11
All All Peridomestic 1778 474 45.01 8 1 0.51 0.23
Chacra 193 466 4.97 1 3 2.07 0.10
Forest 96 466 2.47
Riverine All All 1762 550 38.44 7 2 0.51 0.20
All Peridomestic 1552 186 100.13 6 0.39 0.39
Chacra 137 182 9.03 1 2 2.19 0.20
Forest 73 182 4.81
Highway All All 305 856 4.28 2 1 1 1.31 0.06
All Peridomestic 226 288 9.42 2 1 1.33 0.13
Chacra 56 284 2.37 1 1.79 0.04
Forest 23 284 0.97

Four, approximately-monthly, 12-h collections; Loc, locality; # Coll, number collected; mh, man-hours; HBR, human biting rate: the number of bites per person per 12-h night; IR, infection rate: the proportion of collected An. darlingi infected with Plasmodium; EIR, entomological inoculation rate: the number of infective bites per person per 12-h night; Pv, Plasmodium vivax; Pf, Plasmodium falciparum; Pspp, Plasmodium spp.