Figure 3.
Mixed-treatment comparison (MTC) meta-analysis of the effect of different digestion enzymes on changes of islet equivalent number (IEQ)/g pancreas, viability, islet purity and stimulation index (SI). (A) MTC of the effect of different enzymes on the median of the standardized mean difference (SMD) of the IEQ/g pancreas and on the median of the unstandardized weighted mean difference (WMD) of viability. Results are SMD and WMD [(95% credible interval (CrI)] in the column-defining enzyme compared with the row-defining enzyme. For IEQ/g pancreas a negative value favors the column-defining enzyme, and for viability a negative value favors the row-defining enzyme. (B) MTC of the effects of different enzymes on the median of the unstandardized WMD of islet purity and SI. Results are WMD (95% CrI) in the column-defining enzyme compared with the row-defining enzyme. For purity, a negative value favors the column-defining enzyme, and for SI, a negative value favors the row-defining enzyme. Significant results are in bold and underlined.