Figure 1. The expression of miR-150 is downregulated in human ALCL cell lines and biopsies.
(A) miRNA-specific qPCR analysis of miR-150 in both PBMC and isolated CD4 lymphocytes S or NS with PHA, in 3 NPM-ALK(+) ALCL cell lines (KARPAS-299, SU-DHL-1, and COST) and 2 NPM-ALK(–) ALCL cell lines (FE-PD and Mac-2a). RNU24 was used as an internal control. Relative miR-150 expression was expressed as the 2–ΔCt relative to RNU24. (B) Microarray analysis of miR-150 expression in human NPM-ALK(+) (n = 56) and NPM-ALK(–) (n = 16) ALCL biopsies and in RLN biopsies (n = 3). Data represent mean ± SEM. **P < 0.001, and ***P < 0.0001; unpaired 2-tailed Student’s t test.