Clinical history and gyrA83 mutational dynamics for patients #2.
The results of qPCRmip, qPCRgyrALp and NGS assays are shown, together with the antibiotic therapy for patients #2 over his hospitalization stay. The number of days for relevant steps during hospitalization is given inside circles according to D0 which corresponds to the day of legionellosis diagnosis as determined by a positive urinary antigen test (UAT +). qPCR-mip + indicates a positive qPCRmip assay in respiratory samples. Results of the qPCRgyrALp assay are indicated as “neg” (no amplification of the gyrA QRDR), “wt” and “mut” (a positive PCR assay with a reference and mutant-type melting peak, respectively). The proportion of the reads corresponding to the T83I gyrA83 mutation, determined by next-generation sequencing, is shown (NGS-mut). Small arrows indicate the periods of antibiotic therapy. Lev: levofloxacin; Cp: ciprofloxacin; Azi: azithromycin; Ery: erythromycin; Amc: amoxicillin-clavulanate; Ca: ceftazidime; Tc: teicoplanin.