Figure 5. Cotton CesA genes and their expression in developing fiber cells of G. barbadense and G. hirsutum.
(a) CesA genes from four cotton species were clustered (left) via MAGE5 using the maximum likelihood method. G. arboreum (Cotton_A) and G. raimondii (Gorai) contain 14 and 15 CesA genes, respectively, which are shown in the left column. The heat map (middle) shows the transcript level (FPKM, Reads Per Kilobase of exon model per Million mapped reads) of each homeologous gene in G. barbadense and G. hirsutum (Table 2) fibers at different DPA. The relative expression level in the two allotetraploid cottons was compared (right). CesA1, CesA3 and CesA6 are implicated in primary cell wall biosynthesis, and CesA4, CesA7 and CesA8 are implicated in secondary cell wall biosynthesis. (b) Temporal expression patterns of secondary cell wall CesA genes (CesA7, CesA4 and CesA8 clades) in G. barbadense and G. hirsutum fiber. Note that the expression was generally delayed in G. barbadense fiber. X-axis: day post-anthesis. Y-axis: FPKM.