Figure 3. Morphological comparisons of parasites with mutations in pfcrt compared with their parental controls.
(a) Parasites were synchronized by sorbitol lysis and areas of FVs and parasites (approximately 38 h post-invasion) were measured and expressed as ratios (AFV/AParasite). 3D7, FCB and Dd2Dd2 (open bars; n = 72, 31 and 42, respectively) and 3D7L272F, FCBC101F and Dd2Dd2 L272F (closed bars; n = 84, 58 and 88, respectively) parasites were analyzed and significant enlargement of the FV was confirmed in 3D7L272F, FCBC101F and Dd2Dd2 L272F parasites relative to 3D7, FCB and Dd2Dd2, respectively (*p < 0.0001: two-tailed, unpaired, Student’s t-test). (b,c) Transmission electron micrographs of 3D7 and 3D7L272F parasites, respectively, showing the food vacuole (FV) and nucleus (N). Note the enlarged electron lucent FV in 3D7L272F (suggesting changes in the process of hemoglobin degradation and formation of hemozoin crystals). RBCs infected with 3D7L272F displayed approximately 7.5-fold more knobs (arrowheads) on the host surface than 3D7-infected RBCs, although this is likely due to sub-population selection rather than a direct link to the mutation in pfcrt. (insert) Detail of a knob. Bars represent 1 μm (b,c) and 100 nm (insert).