Fig. 3.
Expression analysis and candidate gene selection in the 3.03Mb introgression. FM, floral meristem; VM, vegetative meristem; VSA, vegetative shoot apex including leaf primordia; YFB, young flower bud; AF, anthesis flower; AO, anthesis-stage ovary; WT, fs8.1 WT allele; fs8.1, fs8.1 mutant allele. Log2 fold change was calculated in the three replicates of ‘Backcrossed lines’ RNA-Seq dataset generated in this study; 3, 6, and 7 indicate families 09S204, 09S236, and 09S237, respectively. In the column ‘Gene ID’, red colour, bold, underline, and regular font, respectively, indicate genes only expressed in VM and AO, differentially expressed genes in AOs of fs8.1 backcrossed lines, genes harbouring mutations in their putative amino acid sequences, and candidate genes that were selected based on their putative functions. The RNA-Seq datasets of M82 and LA1589 are from Park et al. (2012) and Huang et al. (2013), respectively.