Extended figure 5. Axin2 gene dosage and tamoxifen have no effect on pericentral hepatocyte proliferation rate.
WT and Axin2CreERT2+/− mice were given EdU daily for seven days. A subset of WT and Axin2CreERT2+/− mice was given 4mg/25gram body weight of tamoxifen daily for 5 days. Pericentral hepatocytes were identified by HNF4α+/GS+ staining. All other hepatocytes were identified by HNF4α+/GS− antibody staining. The EdU positive rates within the two hepatocyte populations as a percentage of total HNF4a+ cells were essentially the same regardless of Axin2 gene dosage or tamoxifen administration. n = 5 animals per group. Data represent mean ± s.e.m. *, **, ***, **** p > 0.05.