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. 2015 Jul 21;13:e003. doi: 10.1621/nrs.13003

Table 4. Comparison of transmembrane helix regions as predicted by the MemBrain method with the pore lining residues as detected by the PoreWalker algorithm.

ARB 1i37 ER1 1As2 PRB 4A2J
MemBrain PoreWalker MemBrain PoreWalker MemBrain PoreWalker
738 380 380 752
739 381 381 753
740 382 382 754 754
741 741 383 383 755 755
742 742 384 384 756 756
743 743 385 385 757 757
744 744 386 758 758
745 745 387 759 759
746 746 388 760 760
747 747 389 389 761 761
748 748 390 762
749 749 391 763 763
750 392 764 764
751 751 393 765 765
803 803 444 444 817
804 804 445 818 818
805 446 819 819
806 806 447 820 820
807 807 448 448 821 821
808 808 449 822 822
809 450 823 823
810 610 451 451 824
811 811 452 452 825 825
812 812 453 826 826
813 454 454 827 827
455 455 828 828
456 456 829
457 830
458 831
459 459