(a) The AI/IS pathway. From the protein surface to the Xe binding
site, the AI and IS pathways follow the light purple and cyan pathways,
respectively. From the Xe binding site to the FeMo-cofactor, the pathways
(slate blue) are the same. Substrates may penetrate the protein surface
at the Av1-Xe2 binding site following the light purple pathway or
the cyan pathway. Upon reaching the Av1-Xe1 binding site, substrates
may continue toward the FeMo-cofactor following the slate blue pathway.
The Fe atoms accessed on the FeMo-cofactor by this pathway are labeled.
Av1-Xe1 and Av1-Xe2 are displayed as large blue spheres. (b) The AII
pathway (magenta and light pink surfaces). Substrates may reach the
Cp1-Xe3 binding site following the light pink pathway and then continue
toward the FeMo-cofactor following the magenta pathway. Cp1-Xe3 is
displayed as a large magenta sphere. In both figures, residues lining
the pathways are labeled. The α, β, and β′
subunits are shown in green, cyan, and yellow, respectively.