Few adult-ADHD cases had childhood onset before age 12 years. We used the available items rated by teachers at child ages 5, 7, 9, and 11: “very restless, often running about or jumping up and down, hardly ever still,” “squirmy fidgety child,” “poor concentration, short attention span.” Items were rated 0=does not apply, 1=applies somewhat, or 2=certainly applies, yielding a range from 0 to 6. Ratings were summed at each age, then averaged across ages 5, 7, 9, and 11. Panel a shows few adult-ADHD group members (N = 31) scored at least one symptom rated “2=certainly” by their teachers. For comparison, panel b shows that most childhood-ADHD group members (N = 61) scored more than one symptom rated “2=certainly.” (3 individuals who had ADHD as a child and as an adult are included in all graphs.)