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. 2015 Jul 23;53(5):465–479. doi: 10.2486/indhealth.2015-0006

Table 5. Correlations between serum concentrations of dioxin congeners and parameters of laboratory and physiological tests in the subjects working for waste incineration facilities.

Median Min Max Pearson’s correlation coefficient

PCDDs PCDFs Coplanar PCBs Total dioxins
Physiological test
SBP (mmHg) 133 74 233 –0.0097 0.0118 0.0985 * 0.0375
DBP (mmHg) 81 40 127 0.0488 0.0695 0.1435 ** 0.0961 *
Heart rate (count/min) 75 48 135 0.0324 –0.0347 0.0570 0.0251
Blood cell count
WBC (count/μl) 6,800 3,220 14,100 0.0306 –0.0049 –0.0646 –0.0143
RBC (×104 count/μl) 483 357 629 0.0077 –0.0309 0.0110 –0.0061
Hb (g/dl) 15.3 11.9 19.8 0.0256 –0.0130 0.0725 0.0360
HT (%) 44.8 31.7 58.8 0.0093 –0.0256 0.0276 0.0058
PLT (×104 count/μl) 23.8 3.8 43.8 –0.0593 –0.0951 –0.1067 ** –0.0946 *
Blood chemistry test
TP (g/dl) 7.2 5.9 9.2 0.0613 0.0932 * 0.1024 ** 0.0864 *
Alb (g/dl) 4.7 3.8 5.8 0.0233 0.0802 * 0.1002 ** 0.0686
T-bil (mg/dl) 0.6 0.2 5.1 –0.0246 0.0439 0.0909 * 0.0402
AST (IU/l) 23 11 131 0.0262 0.0168 0.1610 ** 0.0818
ALT (IU/l) 25 6 224 0.0331 –0.0100 0.1507 ** 0.0663
LDH (IU/l)1 216 96 1,174 0.0080 0.0176 0.0461 0.0188
LDH (IU/l)2 170 119 363 –0.0673 –0.0098 –0.0706 –0.0633
ALP (IU/l) 219 83 730 –0.0523 –0.0680 –0.0373 –0.0595
LAP (IU/l) 55 23 192 0.0313 –0.0090 0.1193 ** 0.0585
GGT (IU/l) 38 10 1,133 0.0530 0.0060 0.1946 ** 0.1033 **
AMY (IU/l) 70 25 231 –0.0503 –0.0746 –0.0817 * –0.0777 *
CK (IU/l) 119 35 3,087 0.0508 0.0703 0.0428 0.0598
Fe (μg/dl) 101 21 277 0.0314 0.0506 0.0922 * 0.0608
BUN (mg/dl) 13 6 24 0.0227 0.0506 0.0881 * 0.0579
UA (mg/dl) 5.7 2.7 10.7 0.0250 –0.0263 0.0884 * 0.0336
Cr (mg/dl) 0.8 0.4 1.5 –0.0530 –0.0209 –0.0863 * –0.0629
T-ch (mg/dl) 199 99 385 0.0329 –0.0232 0.0517 0.0166
HDL-ch (mg/dl) 53 17 131 –0.0184 0.0090 0.0197 0.0006
TG (mg/dl) 121 31 2363 0.0155 –0.0523 0.0998 * 0.0317
BS (mg/dl) 95 63 446 0.0440 –0.0306 0.1042 ** 0.0559
HbA1c (%) 4.8 2.1 11.8 0.0917 * 0.0961 * 0.0525 0.0906
Immunological function test
PHA (cpm) 38,774 2,275 60907 –0.0791 * –0.1121 ** –0.0102 –0.0702
ConA (cpm) 32,095 1,595 64,400 –0.0148 0.0064 0.0091 –0.0027
PHA-SI3 122.2 4.0 606.2 –0.0279 –0.1140 ** 0.0208 –0.0330
ConA-SI4 99.5 2.8 334.8 0.0028 –0.0542 –0.0320 0.0007
NKACT (%) 38.0 5.0 79.0 –0.0062 0.0269 0.0416 0.0238
CD3 (%) 72.6 43.1 89.2 –0.0407 –0.0344 –0.0509 –0.0510
CD4 (%) 45.2 14.9 74.6 –0.0202 –0.0569 –0.0449 –0.0405
CD8 (%) 29.3 10.5 60.8 0.0146 0.0661 0.0295 0.0339
CD4/CD8 ratio 1.6 0.3 5.6 –0.0190 –0.0699 –0.0406 –0.0413
CD19 (%) 8.6 0.5 25.9 0.0417 0.0421 –0.0380 0.0121
CD56 (%) 16.1 3.1 48.7 –0.0183 0.0369 0.0600 0.0448

Adjusted for age, survey year, BMI, smoking habits and alcohol consumption. *p<0.05, **p<0.01. 1,2The LDH data measured at Rousai Hospitals were adjusted as described in Subjects and Methods. 3,4SI indicates the Stimulation Index. SBP: Systolic blood pressure; DBP: Diastolic blood pressure; WBC: White blood cell; RBC: Red blood cell; Hb: Hemoglobin; Ht: Hematocrit; PLT: Platelet; TP: Total protein; Al: Albumin; T-bil: Total bilirubin; AST: Aspartate aminotransferase; ALT: Alanine aminotransferase; LDH: Lactate dehydrogenase; ALP: Alkaline phosphatase; LAP: Leucine aminopeptidase; GGT: Gamma-glutamyltransferase; AMY: Amylase; CK: Creatine kinase; Fe: Ferrum (iron); BUN: Blood urea nitrogen; UA: Urinary acid; Cr: Creatinine; T-cho: Total cholesterol; HDL-ch: High-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TG: Triglyceride; BS: Blood sugar; HbA1c: Hemoglobin-A1c; PHA: Lymphocyte blastoid transformation by Phytohemaggutinin; ConA: Lymphocyte blastoid transformation by Concanavalin A; NKACT: Natural killer cell activity; CD: Cluster of differentiation