Table 7.
Psychosocial outcome measures - follow-up
Outcome measure | Study | sample size | Statistic used | Heterogeneity | Effect size | Test for overall effect | Notes | ||||
Intervention | Control | Total |
(%) |
[95 % CI] | Z-value | p-value | |||||
Education versus usual care | |||||||||||
CSQ – catastrophising PCP (EA) - catastrophising |
Soares 2002; Ruehlman 2012 | 177 | 160 | 337 | SMD random | 0 | −0.09 | [−0.30, 0.13] | 0.79 | 0.43 | Figure 9 |
Comparison of different types of education | |||||||||||
Pain catastrophising scale (PCS) | van Oosterwijck 2013; Gallagher 2013 | 55 | 54 | 109 | SMD random | 0 | −0.87 | [−1.26, −0.47] | 4.31 | <0.0001 | Figure 11; favours education |
KNOWLEDGE OF PAIN | |||||||||||
comparison of different types of education | |||||||||||
Pain biology/neuro-physiology knowledge | Gallagher 2013; van Oosterwijck 2013 | 55 | 54 | 109 | MD random | 0 | 3.69 | [2.22, 5.17] | 4.90 | <0.00001 | Figure 13; favours education |
knowledge and attitude score | Ferrell 1997 | 9 | 9 | 18 | MD random | n/a | 24.10 | [9.15, 39.05] | 3.16 | 0.002 | Sample >65 years |
GLOBAL HEALTH | |||||||||||
Comparison of different types of education | |||||||||||
SF36 - general health perceptions | van Oosterwijck 2013 | 15 | 15 | 30 | MD random | n/a | 9.10 | [−1.07, 19.27] | 1.75 | 0.08 | |
SF36 - overall health rating | Ferrell 1997 | 10 | 10 | 20 | MD random | n/a | 5.60 | [−9.73, 20.93] | 0.72 | 0.47 | Sample >65 years |
MOOD | |||||||||||
Education versus usual care | |||||||||||
DASS – depression | Ruehlman 2012 | 162 | 143 | 305 | MD random | n/a | 0.36 | [−0.99, 1.71] | 0.52 | 0.60 | |
Comparison of different types of education | |||||||||||
SF36 - mental health | van Oosterwijck 2013 | 15 | 15 | 30 | MD random | n/a | 18.20 | [5.39, 31.01] | 2.78 | 0.005 | Favours education |
SOCIAL FUNCTION | |||||||||||
Comparison of different types of education | |||||||||||
SF36 – social function | van Oosterwijck 2013 | 15 | 15 | 30 | MD random | n/a | −3.10 | [−19.13, 12.93] | 0.38 | 0.70 |
SF-36 RAND 36-item health survey, DASS depression, anxiety and stress scale, CSQ coping strategies questionnaire, PCS pain catastrophising scale, CSQ coping strategies questionnaire, PCP (EA) profile of chronic pain (Extended Assessment); 95 % CI 95 % confidence interval; Effect size represented as standardised mean difference (SMD) or mean difference (MD) depending on statistic used; Random = random effects model; heterogeneity is not applicable (n/a) when reported as single study