Table 2.
The effects of reported smoking status on likelihood of attending even one session at a cardiac rehabilitation program.
Author | Year | Location | n | sex | Effect Direction |
Size of Effect | Smoking Definition |
Turk-Adawi et al. |
2014 | Wisconsin, USA | 6,874 | 69% M | *− | Smokers less likely to attend (AOR) 0.59 |
Smoked in last 12 months |
Kotseva et al. | 2013 | 76 centres in Europe |
3,950 | 77% M | * − | 33.3% of non-attenders smoked vs. 28.1% of attenders |
Smoked in month prior to event |
Goel et al. | 2011 | Minnesota, USA | 2,395 | 68% M | * − | Current smokers less likely to attend (OR 0.68) |
Current smoker, no definition, but distinct from former |
Weingarten et al. |
2011 | Minnesota, USA | 450 | 66% M | * − | Current smoking predictive of failure to enroll (AOR 3.38) |
Current smoker based on hospital record |
Taylor et al. | 2001 | Bristol, UK | 187 | 79% M | * − | Current smokers less likely to attend (AOR 0.39) |
Still smoking at discharge |
Kotseva et al. | 2004 | 47 centres in Europe |
2,382 | 78% M | − | 22.4% of non-attenders smoked vs. 18.7% of attenders |
Smoked in month prior to event |
Ades, Huang et al. |
1992 | Vermont, USA | 580 | 87% M | − | 38% of non-attenders smoked vs. 14% of attenders |
Reported current smoking while in hospital |
Tzou et al. | 2004 | Wisconsin, USA | 630 | Unknown | − | 30.5% of non-attenders smoked vs. 13.6% of attenders |
Smoked in last 12 months |
Deskur- Smielecka et al. |
2009 | Poland | 70 | 73% M | −, p = .052 | None of those who continued smoking attended |
Continued smoking after event |
Redfern et al. | 2007 | Sydney, Australia | 446 | 76% M | − | 21% non-attenders smoked vs. 1% of attenders |
Current, self-report confirmed by CO |
Kerins et al. | 2011 | Dublin, Ireland | 268 | 72% M | − | 37% non-attenders smoked vs. 10% of attenders |
Self-reported "smoker" |
Fontana et al. | 1986 | Connecticut, USA | 95 | 100% M | − | Smokers half as likely to attend | Smoked in last 6 months |
Lindsay et al. | 2003 | Glasgow, UK | 183 | Unknown | − | 43% non-attenders smoked vs. 14% of attenders |
Current smoker at time of event |
Lane et al. | 2001 | London, UK | 263 | 75% M | *= | Current smoking not significantly associated with attendance (OR 0.80) |
Current at time of hospitalization |
Harlan et al. | 1995 | North Carolina, USA |
393 | 76% M | *= | Only non-attenders reported any daily smoking |
Current cigarettes per day |
Higgins et al. | 2008 | Melbourne, Australia |
184 | 78% M | *= | 13% non-attenders smoked vs. 8% of attenders |
Current smoker, no definition but distinct from former |
Ayala et al. | 2003 | 19 states and DC, USA |
720 | 63% M | *= | 24.5% non-attenders smoked vs. 19.3% of attenders |
Current smoker, no definition but distinct from former |
Blackburn et al. | 2000 | Ohio, USA | 3,331 | 70% M | *= | 19% non-attenders smoked vs. 16% of attenders |
Current smoker, from clinical record |
Pasquali et al. | 2003 | North Carolina, USA |
700 | 64% M | *= | 61.1% non-attenders smoked vs. 57.0% of attenders |
"History of smoking" |
Cooper et al. | 1999 | London, UK | 137 | 77% M | *= | Equal percent of never smokers in attenders and non-attenders (27%) |
Past, present or never smoker |
Dunlay et al. | 2009 | Minnesota, USA | 179 | 66% M | *= | 17.2% non-attenders smoked vs. 21.7% of attenders |
Current smoking from hospital record |
Grace et al. | 2007 | Ontario, Canada | 506 | 77% M | *= | Current smoking not significantly associated with attendance (OR 1.36) |
Current smoking after event |
Grace et al. | 2008 | Ontario, Canada | 1,490 | 72% M | *= | 7.8% non-attenders smoked vs. 8.6% of attenders |
Smoking in last 3 months |
Farley et al. | 2003 | Adelaide, Australia |
165 | 71% M | *= | No difference in attendance for smokers (OR 0.96) |
Combined current and former smokers |
King et al. | 2001 | Western Canada | 304 | 76% M | *= | Smoking status not significantly associated with attendance (OR 0.67) |
Smoked in last 3 months |
Whitmarsh et al. |
2003 | UK | 93 | 80% M | *= | 58% of non-attenders smoked vs. 65% of attenders |
Smoked prior to MI - may combine recent quitters with distant quitters |
Evenson et al. | 1998 | Minnesota, USA | 2,150 | 63% M | *= | Smoking rates similar in attenders (35%) and non-attenders (34%) |
Current smoker, no definition but distinct from former |
Salamonson et al. |
2007 | New South Wales, Australia |
106 | 73% M | = | 16% non-attenders smoked vs. 6% of attenders |
Current at time of hospitalization |
Ramm et al. | 2001 | Auckland, NZ | 324 | 74% M | = | Data not provided | Smoking status at admission to hospital |
Fridlund et al. | 2000 | Sweden | 240 | 0% M | = | 23% non-attenders smoked vs. 24% of attenders |
Smoking: yes/no? Not defined |
Beauchamp et al. |
2013 | Melbourne, Australia |
544 | 73% M | = | Smoking rates similar in attenders (23%) and non-attenders (22%) |
Currently smokes at least the occasional cigarette |
King et al. | 1999 | Western Canada | 1,245 | 77% M | *+, criterion not specified |
Current smokers more likely to attend (OR 1.51) |
Smoked in last 3 months |
Witt et al. | 2004 | Minnesota, USA | 1,821 | 58% M | *+ | Current smokers more likely to attend (OR 2.22) |
"Current smoker" - no definition |
Note: Significance is defined as the original author’s determination of statistical significance. A criterion of p < .05 was used across all studies unless specifically noted otherwise. A + denotes a significant positive association, an = denotes no significant relationship and a − denotes a significant negative association. An * denotes studies using multivariate analyses that accounted for other common predictors of attendance such as age, gender and qualifying diagnoses.