Answer to the opening question of the interview |
Not applicable (N/A) |
N/A |
Personal disease stories |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Family history of breast cancer |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Reflections on risk (reliability and nature of statistical information) |
N/A |
Across cases analysis |
Illness experience |
N/A |
Family history of breast cancer |
Mother |
N/A |
Sister |
N/A |
Other female relative |
N/A |
Friend |
N/A |
Mother death |
N/A |
Family history of other diseases |
N/A |
Risk |
N/A |
Remembered about risk score |
Number |
N/A |
Gist (average, above average, below average) |
N/A |
Perception of breast cancer risk |
High |
N/A |
Low |
N/A |
Reflection on risk (reliability and nature of statistical information) |
Will get disease |
Medicines |
N/A |
Medication intake |
Side effects |
N/A |
Effects of medicine intake |
Bodily effects |
N/A |
Psychological effects |
N/A |
Being pro-active |
N/A |
HCP/Clinic – woman relationship |
N/A |
Counselling |
Discussion of side effects |
Person-by-person analysis |
Decision making |
Deliberate decision |
To have a choice |
Weighing risks |
Tamoxifen |
Experiences with drugs in general |
Assumptions/Experiences with other implicated diseases |
Intuitive decision |
Clear-cut case |
N/A |
Something decides for you |
Best option |
I have to |