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. 2015 Sep 28;11(9):828. doi: 10.15252/msb.20156505

Figure EV3.

Figure EV3

Further evidence for chromothripsis in TRF2-depleted cells

  1. DNA alteration patterns of chromosome 22 in BM263 based on mate-pair data. Highly oscillating copy number profiles are consistent with the occurrence of chromothripsis. SRs are color-coded: red, deletion type (T-H); green, duplication type (H-T); blue, head-to-head (H-H) type; purple, tail-to-tail (T-T) type; gray, inter-chromosomal.
  2. Circos plot depicting inter- and intra-chromosomal connections in BM263.
  3. Statistically significant deviation from null hypothesis of no breakpoint clustering in BM263 (y-axis depicts -log10(P-value) for KS test applied to each chromosome), in line with the occurrence of chromothripsis.
  4. Randomness of DNA fragment joins for BM263, additionally supporting the occurrence of chromothripsis. P-value derived from multinomial testing against null hypothesis “equal distribution of joins.”
  5. Copy number jump distribution between joined fragments of chromosomes undergoing chromothripsis (displayed for segments with confident copy number ascertainment). On chromosome 22 in BM263, chromothripsis occurred most likely in isolation.