(A–D) Immunofluorescent analysis and quantification (E) of serotonin (5-HT; red) deposition in small secretory cells (SSCs) of the skin at stage 32. Actin (phalloidin-Alexa488) staining in green. (A) Uninjected (uninj.) control. (B) Loss of serotonin staining in atp4a morphants. (C, D) Rescue of serotonin staining upon co-injection of atp4a (C) or β-catenin (β-cat.; D) DNA constructs. (A′–D′) Serotonin channel. (A″–D″) Higher magnification of (A–D). (E) Quantification of results. (F–H) WMISH for tph1. (F, F′) Uninjected control. (G, G′) Loss of tph1 expression in atp4a morphants was rescued by co-injection of atp4a DNA (H).
n, number of embryos; st., stage.