Immunofluorescent analysis (A, B) and quantification (C) of MCC ciliogenesis (acetylated-α-tubulin, blue) and serotonin (5-HT; red) deposition in small secretory cells (SSCs) of the skin at stage 32. Actin (phalloidin-Alexa488) staining in green. (A) Uninjected (uninj.) controls are characterized by dense ciliation of MCCs (A′) and the presence of large numbers of serotonin positive SSCs (A″). (B) Impaired ciliogenesis and loss of serotonin staining in dkk injected specimens. dkk injected embryos showed a decrease in ciliation in MCCs (B′) and reduced numbers serotonin stained cells (B″).
n, number of embryos; (n), number of cells; st., stage.