(Left) Maximum likelihood tree representing the phylogeny of amino acid sequences (seqs) deduced from the sequences of mcrA genes retrieved from soils taken from sites F1, F4, and U3 in October 2009. Bootstrap values of ≥50% from 1,000 reassemblages are placed at the branch points. Gray, clades targeted by the group-specific primers designed in the present study; white, clades containing only sequences from this study; black, clades with reference sequences and not containing sequences from this study. (Right) Relative percentages of clades generated from the maximum likelihood tree and the clades targeted by the currently designed primers. MMC, Methanomasiliicoccales; MB, Methanobacteriales; MCEL, Methanocellales; MSR, Methanosarcinaceae; MM, Methanomicrobiales; MST, Methanosaetaceae.