Expression of Htt.RFP.138Q using different Gal4 drivers results in distinct patterns of aggregate spreading. (A–I) Expression pattern of Gr32a-Gal4 (green) and distribution of Htt.RFP aggregates (red) in the adult brain at day 1 (A–C), day 10 (D–F), and day 24 (G–I). Arrow in E points to an axonal projection containing aggregates. Neuropil is labeled by anti-Brp (blue). (J–R) Expression pattern of GMR-Gal4 (green) in the adult brain and optic lobes and distribution of Htt.RFP aggregates (red) at day 1 (J–L), day 6 (M–O), and day 25 (P–R). (S–U) Enlarged view of the optic lobe from O. Arrow in T and U point to a cell body in the central brain that has taken up aggregates. (Scale bar in I, 50 μm, also applies to A–H; scale bar in R, 50 μm, also applies to J–Q; and scale bar in U, 20 μm, also applies to S and T.)