Fig. 5.
Indomethacin acts at pericyte sites to attenuate bradykinin- and S-nitroso-N-acetyl-l-penicillamine (SNAP)-evoked vasodilation of in situ vasa recta. Bar graphs show percent changes in vasa recta diameter at pericyte and nonpericyte sites. Bradykinin (10 nM; A) and SNAP (10 μM; B) evoked significantly (***) greater dilation at pericyte sites than at nonpericyte sites. The addition of indomethacin (30 μM; A and B) significantly (#) attenuated the pericyte-mediated vasodilation evoked by bradykinin and SNAP. After removal of indomethacin, vasodilation was observed in the presence of bradykinin and SNAP alone, indicating that the effect of indomethacin was reversible. No significant change in vessel diameter was observed at nonpericyte sites. Values are means ± SE; n ≤ 9 slices and n ≤ 8 animals. **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; #P < 0.01; †P < 0.001.