FIG. 1.
Alignment of amino acid sequences in the highly conserved catalytic regions of ghrelin O-acyl transferase (GOAT). Multiple sequence alignments were conducted using Clustal Omega ( The proposed catalytic residues (asparagine and histidine) of GOAT are marked by asterisks. Partial sequences of GOAT were obtained from full-length amino acid sequences obtained from the NCBI. The name of the species is given on the left side of the alignment and the number of amino acids is provided above the alignment. The colored amino acids show the conserved regions between species. Species names and GenBank ( accession nos. used in the alignment are as follows: Zebrafish (NP_001116416.1), Mexican tetra (XP_007253942.1), Rainbow trout (CDQ71181.1), Bicolor damselfish (XP_008292386.1), Cichlid (XP_005738327.1) Tilapia (XP_003455315.1), Chimaera (XP_007890232.1), Spotted gar (XP_006627115.1), African coelacanth (XP_006013871.1), Chicken (NP_001186218.1), Alligator (XP_006035341.1), Mouse (NP_001119786.1), Rat (NP_001100787.2), Elephant (XP_003412603.1), Pig (NP_001177352.1), Cow (NP_001179186.1), Sheep (AFV15801.1), Gibbon (XP_003269582.1), Human (NP_001094386.1), Chimpanzee (XP_519692.2), Dolphin (XP_004310679.1), Killer whale (XP_004277196.1), Horse (XP_001494222.2), Cat (XP_003984710.1), Dog (NP_001188260.1), Walrus (XP_004408347.1), and Giant panda (XP_002920871.1). Color images available online at