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. 2015 Oct 6;9:265. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00265

Table 1.

Therapies administered at adult life stages in the Ts65Dn mouse model of DS.

Phenotype Treatment Mechanism Age (M) Treatment duration Outcome Long-term effect References
L/M (MWM) Donepezil (Class A) AChE inhibitor 4 7 w Failed NA Rueda et al., 2008a
L/M (SA) Physostigmine (Class A) AChE inhibitor 4
Rescued Failed
Chang and Gold, 2008
Olfactory learning Galantamine (Class A) AChE inhibitor 3–6 Acute Rescued NA de Souza et al., 2011
L/M (NOR, TM) Pentylentetrazole (Class A) Antagonist of GABAA R 3–4 17 d Rescued Yes (at 2 m) Fernandez et al., 2007
L/M (MWM) Pentylentetrazole (Class A) Antagonist of GABAA R 4 7 w Rescued NA Rueda et al., 2008a
L/M (NOR) Pentylentetrazole (Class A) Antagonist of GABAA R 2–3 2 w Rescued Yes (at 8 d) Colas et al., 2013
L/M (NOR) Pentylentetrazole (Class A) Antagonist of GABAA R 12–15 2 w Rescued Yes (at 8 d) Colas et al., 2013
L/M (MWM) RO4938581 (Class A) GABAA α5 negative allosteric modulator 3–4 6 w Rescued NA Martínez-Cué et al., 2013
L/M (NOR, MWM, CFC) CGP55845 (Class A) Antagonist of GABAB R 2–3 3 w Rescued NA Kleschevnikov et al., 2012
L/M (MWM, CFC) Ethosuximide (Class A) Inhibits KCNJ6/GIRK2 channel, a GABAB–coupled ion channel 4.5–5 10 w Failed NA Vidal et al., 2012
L/M (MWM, CFC) Gabapentin (Class A) Modulator of GABA synthesis 4.5–5 10 w Failed NA Vidal et al., 2012
L/M (CFC, nesting behavior) L-DOPS (Class A) NA pro-drug 6 Acute Rescued No (at 2 w) Salehi et al., 2009
L/M (NOR, CFC, TM) Xamoterol (Class A) β1 receptor agonist 9–12 Acute Rescued NA Faizi et al., 2011
L/M (NOR, SA) Clozapine-N-oxide (agonist of hM3Dq, administered via adeno virus into Locus Coeruleus) (Class A) DREADD design in order to stimulate NA neurons of Locus Coeruleus 14 Acute Rescued NA Fortress et al., 2015
L/M (SA) L-DOPS (Class A) NA pro-drug 11 2 w Rescued NA Fortress et al., 2015
L/M (CFC) Memantine (Class A) Antagonist of NMDA R 4–7 Acute Rescued NA Costa et al., 2008; Ahmed et al., 2015
L/M (WRAM, NOR) Memantine (Class A) Antagonist of NMDA R 4 6 m Improved No (at 1 w) Lockrow et al., 2011
L/M (MWM) Memantine (Class A) Antagonist of NMDA R 9 8–9 w Rescued NA Rueda et al., 2010
L/M (YM) RO25-6981 (Class A) Antagonist of NMDA R (GluN2B) 3–6 Acute Failed NA Hanson et al., 2013
L/M (YM, BM) RO25-6981 (Class A) Antagonist of NMDA R (GluN2B) 3–6 2 w Failed NA Hanson et al., 2013
L/M (NOR, YM) Fluoxetine (Class A) Inhibits serotonine reuptake > 2 m 8 w Rescued NA Begenisic et al., 2014
L/M (MWM) Fluoxetine (Class A) Inhibits serotonine reuptake 5–7 4 w Failed NA Heinen et al., 2012
L/M (YM, NPR, NOR) JZL184 (Class A) Inhibitor of monoacylglycerol lipase that increases levels of 2-arachidonoylglycerol 11 4 w Failed (YM, NPR) Rescued (NOR) NA Lysenko et al., 2014
L/M (MWM) NAPVSIPQ+SALLRSIPA (fragments of ADNP and ADNF) (Class B) Neuroprotection against oxidative stress 10 9 d Rescued No (at 10 d) Incerti et al., 2011
L/M (MWM) Peptide six (fragment of CNTF) (Class B) Neurotrophic factor 11–15 30 d Improved NA Blanchard et al., 2011
L/M (TM) Estrogen (Class B) Protects basal forebrain cholinergic neurons 11–15 2 m Improved NA Granholm et al., 2002
L/M (MWM, PM) Melatonin (Class B) Free radical scavenger 5–6 5 m Improved NA Corrales et al., 2013
L/M (WRAM) Vitamin E (Class B) Antioxidant 4 4–6 m Improved NA Lockrow et al., 2009
L/M (MWM) Piracetam (Class B) Nootropic 1.3 4 w Failed NA Moran et al., 2002
L/M (MWM) SGS-111 (Class B) Analog of Piracetam. Nootropic 4–6 6 w Failed NA Rueda et al., 2008b
L/M (WRAM) Minocycline (Class B) Anti-inflammatory 7 3 m Improved NA Hunter et al., 2004
L/M (MWM, NOR, CFC) Lithium (Class C) Mood stabilizer. Interferes with GSK3β signaling 5–6 4 w Rescued NA Contestabile et al., 2013
L/M (MWM) DAPT (Class D) Gamma-secretase inhibitor 4 Acute Rescued NA Netzer et al., 2010
L/M (MWM, NOR) Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) (Class D) Inhibitor of DYRK1A kinase 3 1 m Rescued NA De la Torre et al., 2014
LTP Pentylentetrazole (Class A) GABAA R antagonist 3–4 17 d Rescued Yes (at 2 m) Fernandez et al., 2007
LTP RO4938581 (Class A) GABAA α5 negative allosteric modulator 3–4 6 w Rescued NA Martínez-Cué et al., 2013
LTP CGP55845 (Class A) Antagonist of GABAB R 2–3 3 w Rescued NA Kleschevnikov et al., 2012
LTP Picrotoxin (Class A) Antagonist of GABAAR 3–4 Acute Rescued Acute (slices) Kleschevnikov et al., 2004
LTP Picrotoxin (Class A) Antagonist of GABAAR 4–6 Acute Rescued Acute (slices) Costa and Grybko, 2005
LTP RO25-6981 (Class A) Antagonist of NMDA R (GluN2B) 3–6 2 w Rescued Yes (at 2–4.5 w) Hanson et al., 2013
LTP Fluoxetine (Class A) Inhibits serotonine reuptake > 2 8 w Rescued NA Begenisic et al., 2014
LTP JZL184 (Class A) Inhibitor of monoacylglycerol lipase/Endocann System 11 4 w Improved NA Lysenko et al., 2014
LTP Melatonin (Class B) Free radical scavenger 6–6.5 5–5.5 m Rescued NA Corrales et al., 2014
LTP Lithium (Class C) Mood stabilizer. Interferes with GSK3β signaling 5–6 4 w Rescued NA Contestabile et al., 2013
LTP Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) (Class D) Inhibitor of DYRK1A kinase 2–5 Acute Rescued Acute (slices) Xie et al., 2008
Neurogenesis (DG) RO4938581 (Class A) GABAA α5 negative allosteric modulator 3–4 6 w Rescued NA Martínez-Cué et al., 2013
Neurogenesis (DG) Farmoterol (Class A) β2 Receptor agonist 5–6 15 d Failed NA Dang et al., 2014
Neurogenesis (DG) Fluoxetine (Class A) Inhibits serotonin reuptake 2–5 24 d Rescued NA Clark et al., 2006
Neurogenesis (DG) Peptide six (fragment of CNTF) (Class B) Neurotrophic factor 11–15 30 d Rescued NA Blanchard et al., 2011
Neurogenesis (DG) Melatonin (Class B) Free radical scavenger 6–6.5 5–5.5 m Rescued NA Corrales et al., 2014
Neurogenesis (DG) Lithium (Class C) Mood stabilizer. Interferes with GSK3β signaling 5–6 4 w Rescued NA Contestabile et al., 2013
Neurogenesis (SVZ) Lithium (Class C) Mood stabilizer. Interferes with GSK3β signaling 12 1 m Rescued NA Bianchi et al., 2010a
Neurogenesis (DG) P7C3 (Class E) Proneurogenic drug 1–2.5 3 m Improved NA Latchney et al., 2015
Dendritic hypotrophy Farmoterol (Class A) β2 Receptor agonist 5–6 15 d Rescued NA Dang et al., 2014
Connectivity Peptide six (fragment of CNTF) (Class B) Neurotrophic factor 11–15 30 d Rescued NA Blanchard et al., 2011
Neurodegeneration Estrogen (Class B) Protects basal forebrain cholinergic neurons 11–15 2 m Rescued NA Granholm et al., 2002
Neurodegeneration Estrogen (Class B) Protects basal forebrain cholinergic neurons 9–15 2 m Rescued NA Granholm et al., 2003
Neurodegeneration Minocyclin (Class B) Anti-inflammatory 7 3 m Prevented NA Hunter et al., 2004
Neurodegeneration Vitamin E (Class B) Antioxidant 4 4–6 m Prevented NA Lockrow et al., 2009

The classes reported in the column “Treatment” correspond to those summarized in the Section “Numerous Therapies Have Been Attempted in Order to Improve the Phenotype of the Trisomic Brain.” The outcome “Rescued” means that in treated Ts65Dn mice the examined phenotype became similar to that of untreated euploid mice. The outcome “Improved” means that in Ts65Dn mice treatment ameliorated but did not rescue the examined phenotype. The text in bold in the column “Outcome” highlights treatments that were ineffective (Failed) and the text in bold in the column “Long-term effect” highlights treatments that either had (Yes) or did no had (No) a long-term effect. ADNF, Activity Dependent Neurotrophic Factor; ADNP, Activity Dependent Neuroprotective Protein; BM, Barnes Maze; CFC, Contextual Fear Conditioning; CNTF, Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor; d, day; DG, dentate gyrus; m, month; MWM, Morris Water Maze; NA, not available; NOR, Novel Object Recognition; NPR, Novel Place Recognition; PM, Plus Maze; SA, Spontaneous Alternation Task; SVZ, subventricular zone; TM, T Maze; w, week; WRAM, Water Radial Arm Maze; YM, Y Maze.