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. 2015 Sep 2;114(8):1263–1277. doi: 10.1017/S0007114515002950

Table 6.

Adhesion molecules, parameters of oxidation and inflammation and vascular testing in the total study group (n 68) during the 6-week supplementation with quercetin or placebo* (Mean values and standard deviations)

Quercetin (n 68) Placebo (n 68)
Baseline Endpoint Mean change P intra-group Baseline Endpoint Mean change P intra-group P inter-group Treatment difference
Mean sd Mean sd Mean sd comparison Mean sd Mean sd Mean sd comparison comparison Mean sd
Serum endothelin-1 (pg/ml) 2·22 0·74 2·25 0·74 +0·03 0·46 0·639 2·09 0·71 2·25 0·78 +0·16 0·52 0·014 0·129 −0·13 0·71
Serum sE-selektin (ng/ml) 36·2 13·6 37·1 13·7 +0·9 5·1 0·144 36·7 13·8 36·9 14·0 +0·2 4·8 0·712 0·441 +0·7 7·3
Serum sVCAM-1 (ng/ml) 581·0 161·9 571·6 143·4 −9·3 99·7 0·444 572·5 152·3 595·4 155·8 +22·9 99·9 0·063 0·055 −32·2 135·8
Serum sICAM-1 (ng/ml) 205·7 54·2 197·5 48·1 −8·2 17·2 <0·001 202·7 53·0 199·8 51·6 −2·9 26·7 0·378 0·219 −5·3 30·7
Plasma oxLDL (ng/ml) 408·2 348·8 406·0 300·8 −2·2 202·7 0·859 371·9 236·4 386·9 221·1 +15·1 114·7 0·342 0·352 −17·3 235·7
Plasma ADMA (µmol/l) 0·57 0·16 0·59 0·15 +0·01 0·15 0·530 0·60 0·21 0·58 0·15 −0·02 0·18 0·439 0·266 +0·03 0·21
l-Arginine:ADMA-ratio 146·6 66·8 147·8 55·3 +1·2 73·6 0·896 141·1 57·8 144·8 51·8 +3·7 54·8 0·577 0·824 −2·6 94·4
Serum ACE (U/l) 38·2 19·2 38·4 20·2 +0·2 7·0 0·800 38·3 19·5 39·3 19·8 +1·1 6·8 0·198 0·718 −0·9 10·9
Serum hs-CRP (mg/l) 2·20 1·99 2·21 2·05 +0·02 2·17 0·904 2·24 2·33 2·81 3·61 +0·58 3·33 0·448 0·283 −0·56 4·04
Urinary 8-iso-PGF2α/creatinine (pg/mg) 198·7 160·5 216·8 156·7 +5·8 177·8 0·183 236·6 293·6 187·1 132·9 −56·2 316·3 0·848 0·552 –17·9 300·6
Urinary 2,3-dinor-15-F2t-IsoP/creatinine (pg/mg) 644·8 342·4 645·7 393·6 +0·9 257·8 0·608 664·5 396·0 669·1 370·4 +4·3 259·8 0·788 0·984 −1·0 390·1
RHI (EndoPAT) 1·90 0·60 1·89 0·56 −0·01 0·55 0·911 1·91 0·57 1·88 0·48 −0·04 0·66 0·650 0·762 +0·03 0·69
AI (EndoPAT) 8·35 21·89 8·44 21·91 +0·08 10·59 0·957 6·63 17·35 7·44 20·98 +0·81 10·04 0·578 0·733 −0·73 14·71

ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ADMA, asymmetric dimethylarginine; AI, augmentation index; hs-CRP, high-sensitive C-reactive protein; IsoP, isoprostanes; oxLDL, oxidised LDL; RHI, reactive hyperaemia index; sICAM-1, soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1; sVCAM-1, soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule 1.


The two groups did not differ significantly with regard to any of the variables at baseline (paired Student’s t tests or Wilcoxon signed-rank tests). EndoPAT data were obtained in a subgroup of forty-eight participants.

Corrected for heart rate and normed to 75 bpm.