Figure 4.
TssH, TssJ, and TssL Show Differential Distribution and Mobility from TssB and Each Other
(A–D) Representative set of fluorescence images of TssB-mCh (A), TssL-mCh (B), TssH-mCh (C), and TssJ-mCh (D) acquired at 100-ms (top), 1-s (middle), or 10-s intervals (bottom). From left to right: three sequential frames and an overlay are shown. In the overlay, the signal from the three frames is colored consecutively red, green, and blue; any signal present in all three frames will appear white, whereas movement will result in the appearance of color.
(E and F) Example time courses of TssB-mCh (E) and TssH-mCh (F) acquired over a longer time; the cells shown in lower panels of parts A and C, respectively, are shown in 10-s intervals over a total of 4 min. Images were manually corrected for xy drift and photobleaching with the outline of the cell shown in red in the first image. The corresponding uncropped series of raw images are shown as Movies S2 and S3. Scale bars, 1 μm.
See also Figure S2.