Figure 2.
Characterization of the aggression-modulating serotonergic PLP neurons. (A) 5HT-PLP neurons do not co-express FruM. Anti-FruM staining is shown in magenta, serotonergic neurons are visualized by TRH-Gal4/UAS-CD8:GFP (green). The full z stack frontal projection is shown. A' shows the optical section through the 5HT-PLP cell bodies (white arrows). (B) 5HT-PLP neurons do not co-express Dsx. Anti-5HT staining is shown in magenta, Doublesex-positive neurons are visualized by Dsx-Gal4/UAS-CD8:GFP. The full z stack frontal projection is shown. B' shows the optical section through the 5HT-PLP cell bodies (white arrows). (C) 5HT-PLP neurons have similar morphology in males and females. Individual 5HT-PLP neurons are visualized by TRH-Gal4/UAS>stop>CD8:GFP in combination with 417-FLP. (D) 5HT-PLP neurons do not co-express NPF. Anti-5HT staining is shown in magenta, Neuropeptide F-positive neurons are visualized by NPF-Gal4/UAS-CD8:GFP. The anterior and posterior z stack frontal projections are shown separately. White arrows point to the 5HT-PLP cell bodies (posterior view).