Figure 1.
De novo assembly of the macronuclear NPC occurs only in presumptive new macronuclei. (A) Schematic representation of nuclear differentiation of Tetrahymena. NPC type switching from MIC-type (represented by blue) to MAC-type (represented by red) occurs only in the two anterior-located daughter nuclei of the second postzygotic division (PZD) of the MIC-like zygotic nucleus in each mating partner. The two nuclei that acquire MAC-type NPCs differentiate to new macronuclei. (B) Localization of fluorescent protein-tagged nucleoporins early in nuclear differentiation. Methanol-fixed mating pairs were observed. MacNup98B (representing the MAC-type NPC) appeared only in the anterior daughter nuclei of the second PZD (left panel). The pre-existing MicNup98A (representing the MIC-type NPC) is evenly segregated to both daughter nuclei (center panel). Nup93 that commonly exists in all NPCs (representing both types of NPC) exhibits biased distribution to the anterior nuclei (right panel). Left and center panels show the same mating partner of the pair expressing GFP-MacNup98B and mCherry-MicNup98A. mCherry fluorescence in the center panel is shown in green. In the right panel, the single partner of the GFP-Nup93-expressing pair is different from that shown in the other panels. In all panels, the upper side is the anterior of the cell and magenta represents DAPI staining. Bar is 10 mm.