Fig. 5.
Morris water maze probe. (a, c, e) Average distance from the platform site (m) with the platform removed 24 h after the last platform trial of each phase. Retention deficits reflected by average distance to the site were evident after acquisition and reversal, but after shift these were diminished. Other measures of retention, however, revealed differences. (b) Acquisition probe platform site crossovers; (d) reversal percentage time in the target quadrant; (f) shift initial heading error. Initial heading error reflects directional deviation from a line to the goal in the first seconds after the start of the trial; three of the drug-treated experimental groups were significantly (~15°) more off-course than were Sal+Sal controls. False discovery rate comparisons: ° p<0.10 (trend), * p<0.05, ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001 compared to Sal+Sal. n=16–27 per group (males) from 27 different litters; not more than one rat per group from any one litter was used to control for litter effects. Cit5, 5 mg/kg citalopram; Cit7.5, 7.5 mg/kg citalopram; MDMA, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine; Sal, saline.