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. 2015 Oct 5;15:238. doi: 10.1186/s12884-015-0668-z

Table 2.

Definition of HEP outreach activity coverage and MNCH care practice indicators

MNCH Indicator Definition
(1) HEP outreach activity coverage
Households visited by HEWs The percentage of respondents whose households were visited by HEWs to discuss about health related issues within six months prior to the survey
Households visited by CHPs The percentage of respondents whose households were visited by CHPs to discuss about health related issues within six months prior to the survey
Model family households The percentage of the respondents whose household graduated as a model family or working towards it
Households with family health card The percentage of respondents whose households have family health card. FHCs are distributed by HEWs to all women of reproductive age in a household. The cards are used as a tool to provide health education for promoting MNCH; as such all households with women of reproductive age should possess the card
(2) MNCH care practices
(i) Family planning
CPR among women (married or in union) The percentage of women and/or their partners who were using any method of contraception to delay or avoid getting pregnant during the survey
(ii) Maternal and newborn health
Received any ANC from health facility The percentage of women who went to a health facility for antenatal care during last pregnancy
Received iron supplementation The percentage of women who took iron supplementation during last pregnancy
Received TT2+ The percentage of women who received two or more tetanus toxoid injections (TT2+) during last pregnancy
Took any birth preparedness measure The percentage of women who took any preparation for delivery (such as financial, transportation) when they were last pregnant
Delivery at health facility The percentage of women who gave their last childbirth at a health facility
Delivery assisted by skilled attendant The percentage of women who were assisted by a health professional (doctor, nurse or midwife) during last childbirth
Received any PNC The percentage of women who were visited by HEWs or CHPs at home for any PNC or newborn care within 40 days of last childbirth
Took thermal care of their newborn The percent of women who dried and wrapped their last newborn immediately after birth, delayed bathing the newborn by six hours or more, and always maintained skin-to-skin contact with the baby
Took clean cord care of their newborn The percent who cut the umbilical cord of their last newborn with a sterile instrument, tied the cut end of the cord with sterile thread, and applied nothing to the cut end of the umbilical cord
Gave baby first milk to their newborn The percentage of women who gave first milk (colostrums) to their last newborn
(iii) Child health
Households contacted by HEWs for child health and nutrition The percentage of women with children zero to 23 months who were visited by any health worker (i.e., HEW or CHP or both) to provide advice on child health and nutrition
Children with ARI received any treatment The percentage of children between 0 and 23 months who had an episode of acute respiratory infection (ARI) during the two weeks preceding the survey were taken to any health provider
Children with diarrhea received ORT The percentage of children between 0 and 23 months who had an episode of diarrhea during the two weeks preceding the survey who were given oral rehydration therapy (ORT)
Children received all vaccines The percentage of children between 12 and 23 months who received all childhood vaccines