Figure 2.
mAChRs and group I mGluR agonists induce anti-Hebbian LTP in stratum oriens interneurons. A, Activation of mAChRs with the agonist OxoM (5 μm; 10 min) coupled with postsynaptic hyperpolarization induced an LTP of EPSP slope. B, Activation of type I mGluRs by the agonist DHPG (5 μm; 10 min) together with a hyperpolarization induced an LTP of similar amplitude after a transient (∼10 min) synaptic depression. C, Activating both mAChRs and type I mGluRs induced a transient EPSP depression of longer duration followed by a delayed LTP. D, The antagonist GYKI 53655 (25 μm, 5–7 min) completely and reversibly blocked EPSPs. E, LTP did not result when the agonists OxoM and DHPG were applied during the suppression of EPSPs by GYKI 53655. F, Summary of changes in EPSP slope at 40 min after drug application. Error bars show SEM. A–E, Each symbol represents an average of EPSP slopes from 20 events elicited at 15 s intervals and error bars show SEM. Time t = 0 corresponds to the induction procedure.