Figure 4. Theoretical versus experimental band diagrams.
(a) Reciprocal fcc lattice showing a [112] plane (orange hexagon) and the ΓM direction probed in the experiment. (b) Schematic presentation of PBC and IBC models applied at the SiO2-PS interface. In the IBC model, the springs of respective stiffness kL,T represent the discontinuity of the displacement field across this interface. The theoretical band diagram of the DP400 is shown for PBC along [111] with the bulk PS sound velocities in c and for IBC with PS velocities (cL=2,560 m s−1, cT=1,320 m s−1) about 9% higher than bulk PS along [111] (d) and [112] (e). Along ΓL dark/light solid and dotted blue lines denote non-degenerate (longitudinal), double degenerate (transverse) and deaf computed bands, respectively. In e, all bands are non-degenerate of mixed character; the flat band is highlighted (dotted line). Solid and open circles indicate the experimental points (see Fig. 3). Hatched regions denote hybridization gaps (LHG for longitudinal modes; HG for all modes).