Figure 4.
Evaluation of putative antiepileptic drugs in scn1Lab mutants. a, Locomotion tracking plots for scn1Lab zebrafish at baseline and following huperzine A administration. Total movement is shown for a 10 min recording epoch. b, Plot showing the change in mean velocity for three different huperzine A concentrations (blue bars). Each bar is the mean change for six fish. The threshold for a positive hit is shown as a dashed line. WT fish exposed to PTZ and huperzine A are shown in red (N = 7). c, d, Same for fenfluramine. Note that 1 mm fenfluramine was toxic, as indicated. e, Representative field recordings from scn1Lab mutant larvae at 5 dpf. Electrographic activity is shown for a 5 min recording epoch (top traces); high-resolution traces are shown below, as indicated. Note that abnormal burst discharge activity persists in scn1Lab mutants exposed to 250 µm fenfluramine. The fish shown were tested in the locomotion assay first.