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. 2015 Apr 30;2(2):ENEURO.0077-14.2015. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0077-14.2015

Figure 6.

Figure 6

LATER model fits to signal RT data. A, Distributions of signal RT from 0%-coherence trials for one subject are plotted on a reciprobit plot: reciprocal RT versus percentage of cumulative frequency on a probit scale (Reddi et al., 2003), separately per IBI. Best-fitting values of the bound height (B) and mean rate-of-rise (C) of the LATER model (see Results and Materials and Methods for details) are plotted as a function of IBI for each subject and coherence (black/gray lines and data points). The data in black indicate that the model fits were improved significantly by fitting the given parameter separately for each IBI condition (likelihood-ratio test, p < 0.01, Bonferroni-corrected for two parameters). Shaded lines/symbols indicate that the model fits were not improved significantly. Red data points/lines represent the median values across all conditions.